Jun 25, 2010

Sunshine, Migraine and Graduation

Well its been a while since I last 'blogged' and there are many reasons for my absense from Blogland. First the sun has been shining . .  not just a little but a lot! Hot temperatures, bright blue skys and warm evening breezes all add up to me being outside. We have enjoyed some wonderful days at the beach, picnics, BBQ's and the company of friends. And on top of that the World Cup is on TV so yours truly is parked up on the sofa taking in the action.

This week started off on a not so good level for me - I spent two days in bed with a migraine to beat all migraines. I just had to curl up and wait for it to pass while drinking loads of water and going to the pee every 5 minutes. Yesterday morning things were a bit better and although I was feeling a little bit tender I had to put on a happy face to attend Amy & Tony's Leavers Mass. They official left Primary School this morning and were both award a 'Graduation' certificate which was really sweet.

So excited to be heading to the Community School in September . . . .

Jumping for Joy . . . . . 

On a crafty note things are very slow . . . . . so slow to the point of non-exsistent this past week or so. My gorgeous June kit arrived from Scrapa Go-Go and I have barely had time to take it out of the box to ooh and ahh over the contents. Well, I suppose as an avid crafter we have to expect that sometimes, just sometimes real life gets in the way and barricades us out of the craft room. 

Dee xx


  1. Sorry to hear about your migraine, I hate them! At least you're out and about enjoying the Summer!

  2. love the pic love jan x


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