Yep thats right – I have just subscribed to 2 new (well new to me!) kit clubs. After a hellish few weeks and a severe case of mojo-itis I decided I needed something new and exciting to look forward to so I have been browsing this wonderful World Wide Web and finally decided on these 2 kit subscriptions:

I cant wait to get hold of my first kits and get scrapping!
In the meantime I have a couple of LO’s to share which I have done for various challenges over on UKScrappers.
The Wet Look – week 2
Photo’s are of Tony trying to put on his wetsuit. I thought he looked real funny so decided to take pic’s but when he realised I was taking the pic’s he started to pose! I really love this LO, the photo’s are such fun and Im pleased with the way the whole thing came together.
Dont You Look Smart – week 3
Another LO featuring Tony DS2. This time with Richard, his sponsor at his confirmation last year. Part of the challenge for this week was to use black cardstock which I really like as its so striking.
Make Yourself @ Home – week 4
Photo of my darling Joshua fast asleep on my craft room chair. The theme for this weeks LO had to be Home / Home is where the Heart is. I chose this pic of Joshua as my chair is like his 2nd home, he is always in it. Another criteria was to use our favourite colour – hence the PINK overload! The cat embellishment in the bottom right corner was a gift from my UKS teamie Heather. I smothered him in paint then dunked him into purple glitter to make him co-ordinate with the LO.
And finally, Viva Las Vegas – August House Challenge
The theme this month was holiday snaps so a perfect chance for me to scrap some of my many many Las Vegas photo’s. I wasn’t particular fond of the sketch we had to use but thats all part of the challenge I suppose and that said Im pleased with the way the LO finished up.
Good for you :) enjoy yourself I say. Ooohhhh fabulous layouts, they really are amazing