May 3, 2011


The kids have gone back to school today after the Easter holidays so the house is much quieter, well at least until 4pm!  The major housework routine which always follows a school holiday is well under way and thrown in for good measure is some me time – hence Im sitting at the computer catching up in blogville while slurping on a hot cup of coffee with a biscuit (or two, or three!)

At the end of March I signed up for a crochet class in the village. Crochet is always something I liked the look of but could never manage to get the hang of. My first 3 lessons were a disaster!  I just couldnt get comfortable holding the hook let alone manage any of the stitches. During my fourth lesson something seemed to ‘click’ and everything fell into place – I was well on my way to finishing my first Granny Square.  We are coming to the end of the course now and so far I have mastered a few basic Granny Squares, a larger square using a different pattern and a couple of roses, what do you think ?




Although the pieces are by no means fancy Im over the moon with my achievements and things can only get better. I have my eye on making a few blankets for the furry-ones and then a bag for myself so watch this space!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Wow Dee what a beautiful job you are doing! i especially love those cute little squares, they are so neat and would look gorgeous as a blanket. Have you thought of adding your work as embellishments to your cards? obviously they would need to be fairly small but my friend in OZ makes them and adds them to cards and layouts, they are beautiful. Let me know if you would like her blog address for some ideas. My email is but i understand if it doeasn't appeal. Stick with it hun as you are doing amazing. Big hugs Clare xxx

  2. Wow Dee, they all look so good, I try and try but it just doesn't 'click' with me. I can't wait to see what else you come up with

  3. Fab Dee I specially love the roses. You so gotta teach me next time you are over xx

  4. Very pretty crochet pieces. I wish I could crochet, but my hands don't seem to want to do what my brain tells them to when it comes to crochet!! LOL


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